Problem Solver. Process Creator. Brand Builder. Sales Guru.

I guide you to build the law practice that you have been dreaming of for years.

Andrew Zihmer - The Leader of Law Firm Growth

I never thought that I would lead a law firm with my wife, Tracy.  From an early age, through college, and in every position that I’ve held, I have always solved problems.  At my very core, I am a problem solver.   When Tracy came to me in 2017 and said that she was starting her own law firm, it just presented a new set of problems to be solved.  Quickbooks vs. Xero?  I’ll figure out the best and learn how to use it.  Build a website?  Haven’t done that since middle school, but considering how many software languages that I self-taught, a website and user-experience is achievable.  The list goes on and on.

In 2017 once the firm was up and running, we got swindled into (I admit mistakes) working with a large company for search engine optimization.  They did virtually no work, and the little that they did was awful.  I did what any problem solver would do, I learned SEO, got every professional tool, and went to town.  

Same with Google Ads, Bing Ads, and working in Duck Duck Go.  When a new opportunity came up, I rose to the challenge.  This even happened with sales.  I was absolutely against ever being in any type of sales role.  After about $2.5 million in sales, I accepted that I was good at it.  Then I worked to get better. 

Through all of this, I track EVERYTHING.  My Excel spreadsheets and databases are enormous.  I tracked a lot.  Then the pandemic happened, and when I was faced with uncertainty I tracked even more, got better at forecasting, and learned a whole new element.  

That is what I bring to you.  Every lesson learned, good and bad.  My ups and downs.  Each and every little detail is so vital and so important.  I had no one but Tracy to work through this.  I didn’t have a mentor or a coach.  I didn’t even know coaches were a thing!  I want you to learn faster than I did.  When you hit levels that we did but faster and better, it means I’m getting the information to you.  That’s my goal.  I love collaborating and working together.  In my core, I absolutely love to share ideas.

That’s why I help others.

Outside of my work, I have two amazing kids – Maddie and Owen.  I truly believe in working hard and accomplishing everything possible to show them that they can in fact be anything that they want to be.  When I tell them that they can be attorneys, doctors, veterinarians, astronauts, farmers, or a coffee shop owner, I mean it.  I work to instill in them that with enough hard work, grit, determination, and a plan that literally anything is possible.  I’m proof of that!

When I’m not working or at home with the kids, we tend to travel!  In 2022, I took off 42 days (7 weeks!) out of the office.  I’m telling you, you can have your cake and eat it too.  We bought an RV in 2021 and liked it so much that we decided to get a bigger one in 2022.  Now we take our 42′ fifth wheel all over from weekend trips to longer vacations.  

My favorite trips are the Smoky Mountains as a family, or the adrenaline-fueled trips to trail ride Polaris RZRs with Tracy in West Virginia.  You might not picture me caked in mud, but that is really my element.  Again, leading a law firm might look a certain way to most people but it is what you make it.  Some people don’t like me for this, that is ok with me. I am who I am.  I’m in a suit one day and a t-shirt and Jordans the next.  

I don’t hold back.  I don’t sugar coat things.  I’m blunt.  I celebrate the wins and am accountable for the losses.  That’s why I’m successful.  I’m not worried about image or what someone else thinks of me.  I’m just out here winning.

And I want you to win too.